Joomla4iOS - Documentation

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First import the Framework and initialize it:

//import the framework before the class begins
import Joomla4iOS
//place this before your viewDidLoad function
var joomla = Joomla4iOS()

Article Functions:

Get a category artciles:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getCategory(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), id: Int), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get an article by its ID:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getArticleByID(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), id: Int), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of articles by Tag ID:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, limit and offset are optional and can be passed as nil
joomla.listOfArticlesByTagID(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), tagID: Int, limit: Int?, offset: Int?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get Article by Alias:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getArticleByAlias(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), alias: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of articles by Tag ID:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, category ID, max subs, featured, limit, ordered by, order direction and offset are optional and can be passed as nil
joomla.listOfArticlesByTagID(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), categoryID: Int?, maxSubs: Int?, featured: String?, limit: Int?, offset: Int?, orderBy: String?, orderDirection: String?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get article by alias:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getArticleByAlias(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), alias: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of articles:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, category ID, max subs, featured, limit, ordered by, order direction and offset are optional and can be passed as nil
joomla.getListOfArticles(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), categoryID: Int?, maxSubs: Int?, featured: String?, limit: Int?, offset: Int?, orderBy: String?, orderDirection: String?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of categories:

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, root ID, recursive, and count items are optional and can be passed as nil
joomla.getListOfArticles(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), roottID: Int?, recursive: Bool?, countItems: Bool?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

User Functions:

Login user

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.userLogin(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), username: String, password: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Logout user

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.userLogout(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS")), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Send user a password reminder

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.userPasswordRemind(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), email: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Reset password of an user

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.userPasswordReset(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), email: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get status of the current user (guest, registered, etc...)

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getUserStatus(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS")), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Register a new user

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.userRegistration(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), username: String, password: String, email: String, firstname: String, lastname: String), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Update user profile

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, profile and fields are optional and can be passed as nil
joomla.userProfileUpdate(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), username: String, password: String, email: String, name: String, profile: [String: String]?, fields: [String: String]?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get infos about logged in user

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getLoggedInUser(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS")), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of menus

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, limit, offset, order by and order direction are optional
joomla.getListOfMenus(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), limit: Int?, offset: Int?, orderBy: Int?, orderDirection: String?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get a menu item by ID

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.getMenuItem(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), id: Int), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Get list of menu items from menu

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, parent id, level, limit, offset, order by and order direction are optional
joomla.getListOfMenuItems(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), menuType: String, parentID: Int?, lvel: Int?, limit: Int?, offset: Int?, orderBy: Int?, orderDirection: String?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Search database

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, search phrase, limit start, limit, ordering and areas are optional URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), searchWord: String, searchPhrase: String?, limitStart: Int?, limit: Int?, ordering: String?, areas: [String]?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Push Notifications:

Register new device for push notifications

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, user id, user email, alert, sound and badge are optional
joomla.registerForPushNotifications(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), token: String, appcode: String, userID: Int?, userEmail: String?, alert: Bool?, badge: Bool?, sound: Bool?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Send all scheduled notifications

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias
joomla.sendScheduledNotifications(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS")), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format

Send a new push notification

//the requestURL is your website URL with the jBackend menu item alias, payload, context and auth token are optional
joomla.sendNotification(requestURL: URL(string: "WEBSITE_URL/JBACKEND_MENU_ITEM_ALIAS"), title: String, message: String, app_code: String, platform: String, target: String, targetUsers: [String], tagetGroups: [String], tagetDevices: [String], sheduledTime: Date, payload: String?, context: String?, authToken: String?), { (response) in
//Response is the data which gets returned from the server in JSON format


Also check out the jBackend Documentation to learn more how it works